# 📈 2.3 Algorithms

  • Algorithms showing any standard or common modules or subroutines that you will be using
  • Editing or manipulation of a complex data structure (ie sort, search, swap, initialise an array etc)
  • Reading/Writing from an external file

# For Proper Syntax Highlighting Download The FIle Below and Open in VSC

Initialize.dscode 8.2KB

File Requires (Visual Studio Code + Digital Solutions Psuedocode Plugin) to both be installed

# The Algorithms are written as if Arrays Start at ONE Instead of ZERO

  // Declare Arrays
  //StartupAppsServicesArray <- not used/implemented yet

    // Checks For Internet Connection
    BEGIN Initialize
        IF InternetConnection() = True THEN 
        //^^^Checks for Internet and if it is available, Checks for Updates
        ELSEIF InternetConnection() = False THEN
        //^^^If Internet is not available, it will not check for updates
    END Initialize

    //Executes The Modules Required by the Application At Launch
    BEGIN ModuleContructor
        FileReader(TweakState) //Reads Tweak State File to Poulate Tweaks List
        FileReader(TweakDefaults) //Reads Tweak Defaults File to Poulate Tweaks List
        DetectStartupApps(QueryRegedit) //Detects Startup Apps in Registry and Populates Startup List
        DetectStartupApps(QueryShell) //Detects Startup Apps in shell:startup folder and Populates Startup List
        DetectStartupApps(QueryTask) //Detects Startup Apps in Task Scheduler and Populates Startup List
        //DetectStartupApps(QueryServices) <- not used/implemented yet
        FileReader(StartupApps) //Reads Startup Apps Regedit File to Poulate Startup Apps List
    END ModuleContructor

    //Checks for Updates
    BEGIN CheckUpdate
      CurrentVersion = Program.Version //Gets Current Version of Program
      LatestVersion = "https://www.atomix.one/raw/LatestVersion.json" //Gets Latest Version of Program

        IF CurrentVersion() < LatestVersion() THEN //If User is on an older version, it will prompt to update
            MsgBox("New Update Available!!!", " Would you like to Update " + CurrentVersion() + " --> " + LatestVersion() + "?", "Yes", "No", "Changelog")
            IF MsgBoxResult = 1 THEN //If User Clicks Yes, Update is Downloaded and Installed on next launch
                Toast("Downloading Update...", " DO NOT CLOSE THE APPLICATION!!!") //Windows Notification
                cmd = "Curl https://www.atomix.one/downloads/ASMPv" + LatestVersion() + ".exe --output ../Updates/ASMPv" + LatestVersion() + ".exe" //Downloading Latest Installer
                MsgBox("Update Downloaded,", " The Application Will Now Exit, Update Will Be Installed on Next Launch.", "OK")
                ProgramExit() //Exits Application
            ELSEIF MsgBoxResult = 2 THEN //If User Selects No, Update will be skipped
                MsgBox("Update Cancelled,", " The Application Will Now Continue As " + CurrentVersion() + "", "OK")
                ModuleContructor() //Continues Application
            ELSEIF MsgBoxResult = 3 THEN //If User Selects Changelog, Changelog is Displayed
                cmd = "https://www.atomix.one/changelog/" //Opens Changelog in Default Browser

        IF Currentversion() => LatestVersion() THEN //If User is on Latest Version, it will not check for updates
            ModuleContructor() //Executes The Modules Required by the Application At Launch
    END CheckUpdate

    // Reads Called File Content And Populates Arrays
    BEGIN FileReader
    Path = ""
    Array = ""

        IF Sender.Param = TweakState THEN //If FileReader(TweakState) is called, it will read the TweakState File
        Path = "../TweakState.yml" //Path to TweakState File
        Array = TweaksStateArray() //Selects Array to Populate
            OPEN Path() for INPUT //Opens File for Reading
            i = 1 //Sets First Array Index to 1
            READ Array(i) from Path() //Prime Read For Empty File Check
            WHILE Not EOF //Reads File Until End Of File
                i = i + 1 //Increments Array Index
                READ Array(i) from Path() //Reads File Contents into Array
        IF Sender.Param = TweakDefaults THEN //If FileReader(TweakDefaults) is called, it will read the TweakDefaults File
        Path = "../TweakDefaults.yml" //Path to Tweak Defaults File
        Array = TweaksDefaultsArray() //Selects Array to Populate
            OPEN Path() for INPUT //Opens File for Reading
            i = 1 //Sets First Array Index to 1
            READ Array(i) from Path() //Prime Read For Empty File Check
            WHILE Not EOF //Reads File Until End Of File
                i = i + 1 //Increments Array Index
                READ Array(i) from Path() //Reads File Content Into Array

        IF Sender.Param = StartupApps THEN //If FileReader(StartupApps) is called, it will read the StartupApps File
        Path = "../StartupApps.yml" //Path to Startup Apps File
        Array = StartupAppsArray() //Selects Array to Populate
            OPEN Path() for INPUT //Opens File for Reading
            i = 1 //Sets First Array Index to 1
            READ Array(i) from Path() //Prime Read For Empty File Check
            WHILE Not EOF //Reads File Until End Of File
                i = i + 1 //Increments Array Index
                READ Array(i) from Path() //Reads File Content Into Array
    END FileReader

    // Detects Startup Apps and Populates Startup Apps File
    BEGIN DetectStartupApps
    Query = ""
    Array = ""
    Path = "../StartupApps.yml" //Path to Startup Apps File
    i = 1

        IF Sender.Param = CLR THEN //If DetectStartupApps(CLR) is called, it will clear the Startup Apps List
            OPEN Path() for OUTPUT //Opens File for Writing -> Clears File Contents
            WRITE "" to Path() //Writes Empty String to File
            CLOSE Path() //Closes File

        IF Sender.Param = QueryRegedit THEN //If DetectStartupApps(QueryRegedit) is called, it will query the Registry for Startup Apps
        Query = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" //Registry Key to Query
        Array = StartupAppsRegeditArray() //Selects Array to Populate

            OPEN Path() for APPEND //Opens File for Writing -> APPEND
                FOR EACH Key IN Query() //Loops Through Registry Key
                    Array(i) = Key //Populates Array with Registry Key Contents
                    i = i + 1 //Increments Array Index
                    APPEND Array(i) to Path() //Writes Array Contents to File
                NEXT Key //Next Registry Key
            CLOSE Path() //Closes File

        IF Sender.Param = QueryShell THEN //If DetectStartupApps(QueryShell) is called, it will query the shell:startup folder for Startup Apps
        Query = "shell:startup" //Folder to Query
        Array = StartupAppsShellArray() //Selects Array to Populate

            OPEN Path() for APPEND //Opens File for Writing -> APPEND
                FOR EACH File IN Query() //Loops Through Folder
                    Array(i) = File //Populates Array with Folder Contents
                    i = i + 1 //Increments Array Index
                    APPEND Array(i) to Path() //Writes Array Contents to File
                NEXT File //Next Folder File
            CLOSE Path() //Closes File

        IF Sender.Param = QueryTask THEN //If DetectStartupApps(QueryTask) is called, it will query the Task Scheduler for Startup Apps
        Query = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree" //Registry Key to Query
        Array = StartupAppsTaskArray() //Selects Array to Populate

            OPEN Path() for APPEND //Opens File for Writing -> APPEND
                FOR EACH Key IN Query() //Loops Through Registry Key
                    Array(i) = Key //Populates Array with Registry Key Contents
                    i = i + 1 //Increments Array Index
                    APPEND Array(i) to Path() //Writes Array Contents to File
                NEXT Key //Next Registry Key
            CLOSE Path() //Closes File

        IF Sender.Param = QueryServices THEN //If DetectStartupApps(QueryServices) is called, it will query the Services for Startup Apps
        // I dont know how to query the services for startup apps yet as its not an easy task
    END DetectStartupApps